DIY Projects That Will Excite Your Kids

Fall Leaves
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September is here! Kids are back at school and let’s be honest, no one is more excited about that than you. But, hey, maybe some of your kids aren’t school-aged yet, or maybe the summer allure of the park and lake have lost their luster and weekends are getting long. Your go-to ‘fun-things-to-do-with-my-kids’ list is getting short. What to do to keep those kids entertained? How do you plan on making family memories when it gets colder out? Check out some of these DIY crafts to do with your kids that will yield some quality crafty family time.

Autumn Leaf Mason Jar Candle Holder

This craft is the best because it gets your kids outside, and you get a pretty candleholder you can display in your living room. Folks, that’s the definition of a win-win. All you need from the store is a mason jar, modge podge, and a sponge brush. From nature, get out there with your kids, take a nature hike, and collect the best looking leaves you can find. And just look how pretty the result is! Click on this link for directions.

DIY Moon Sand

This craft might be as exciting for your kids as it is for you. That Kinetic Sand that’s been all the rage recently is pretty great–it lives up to the hype. But it’s also kind of expensive for how short its shelf life can be. Guess what? You can make it at home! And it’s literally TWO ingredients! TWO. And, here’s a bonus, you already have them in your home. All you need is flour and baby oil. Bam! Hours of fun.

Hula Hoop Tent

Maybe you’re a little more seasoned in the crafting department. Roll your sleeves up and try your hand at an indoor fort. It isn’t crazy hard or anything, but it is a bit more involved than mixing some ingredients and modge-podging. You’ll need a hula hoop, fabric, and a sewing machine, among a few other sewing tools to complete this project. The end result is pretty amazing and your kids will love it. Bonus, since this project keeps the hula hoop intact, you can showcase your skills when your kids get tired of this…in about five years.

Quick and Easy Painted Flower Pot

The next couple of craft ideas here you’ll be able to display and use outdoors. What outdoor craft is better than a uniquely painted flower pot? This craft is pretty great because you don’t actually have to paint the flower pot. Read: little kids who are not adept at fine motor skills can do this! Get a pot, some squeeze-out paint, and some wax paper, and you’ll be good to go! Click here for directions.


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DIY Outdoor Chalkboard

Chalkboards are so much fun! You might have more fun with this craft than your kiddos do. All you need for this is particle board, chalkboard paint. And somewhere to hang your chalkboard from. Oh, and you’ll need chalk. Here’s a link for the tutorial here, but I bet you could figure it out on your own. Also, be prepared to kick it and relax. This project will provide your kids with tons of self-sustained entertainment.


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Fairy Bells “Wind Chime”

So here’s another nature hike opportunity for your family. Or, maybe, you can get a hand cleaning up your yard–that’s even better! These are pretty neat, cute, and easy to do. Little hands can do this craft, and you can enjoy it every time it’s a little windy. All you need is a stick, embroidery floss, wooden beads (optional), and some jingle bells. And here’s a bonus, if you have a fairy garden (which is a huge trend right now, by the way), this can be an addition! If you don’t, it can be a beginning! …or it can be just a cool thing you have outdoors.

There are tons of fun DIY projects you can do with your kids. If you have Gutter Shutter maintenance-free gutters, think of all the time you’ll have to spend with your kids! But installation isn’t DIY–get in contact with us and we’ll take care of all your gutter needs!

Also, read about how to install a hammock chair indoors:

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